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  • How drinking more water is important for our body? informative articales.

    Is it safe to drink water out of plastic pipes?

    Q. We recently purchased an older home that needs to be re-plumbed. Everyone is saying PEX pipe is the way of the future, and is less expensive and less invasive to install. I'm concerned about the human health and environmental impacts. One friend said his water tasted 'lemony' after installing PEX.
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    Drinking Water on a Daily Basis: Myths and Facts

    Drinking Water on a Daily Basis: Myths and Facts Drinking water is incredibly good for us and there seems to bee over a hundred reasons why, but which of these reasons are fact and which are fiction?
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    30 Benefits Of Drinking Water

    From the time you attended pre-school until today when you read articles on the Internet, it must have been hammered on to you that water is an essential component of the human body. It comprises 80% of body mass and that drinking water on a regular basis is the simplest and cost-free way to a healthy lifestyle.
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    5 Ways Drinking More Water Can Help You Lose Weight

    Water may very well be the most underrated nutrient-especially when it comes to weight loss. Sure, "calories in versus calories out" is still a thing, but how much water you drink plays a huge role in determining what side of that equation you come out on, says Leah Kaufman, R.D., a dietitian with NYU Langone Medical Center's Weight Management Program.
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    10 Reasons Why You Should Drink More Water

    I don't get headaches and don't own Tylenol, Advil, etc. I believe it's because I drink enough water. I've often been complimented on my clear, youthful skin. Again, Ithank my water intake!
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    14 Overlooked Benefits of Drinking Water

    It's no secret that up to 60% of the human body is comprised of water. But did you know that on any given day you lose 64 ounces of water through perspiration (16 ounces from your feet alone)? Most of this perspiration goes unnoticed. We both know that water consumption is imperative for maintaining hydration.
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    Health Benefits of Drinking Water

    Water is essential in all aspects of our everyday health as the phrase, 'water is life' and indeed it is. Know the health benefits of water.
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    Home remedies helpful to protect your nail hair and cracked heels.

    Home remedies helpful to protect your nail hair and cracked heels.

    To repair cracked heels simply mash a ripe banana and apply this to cracked heels for about 15 - 20 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water.

    To make simple hair serum just need to Mix 10 tablespoons of coconut or almond oil with 15 tablespoons of jojoba oil and add a few drops of lavender essential oil for aroma. Shake it well before each use and apply this to damp hair.

    To soothe the skin, and relieve the mix three tablespoons of aloe vera gel, one tablespoon of olive oil, one tablespoon of cocoa butter, two tablespoons of coconut oil and 15 drops of lavender essential oil, apply generously and to preserve store it in the refrigerator.

    To pamper your cuticles mix jojoba oil, almond oil, rice bran oil, Vitamin E oil and 1 drop of lavender essential oil and 1 drop of chamomile essential oil in a dropper bottle. Apply this twice a day.

    Women’s Safety XPRIZE $1M winner is a smart, simple panic button.

     Women’s Safety XPRIZE $1M winner is a smart, simple panic button.


    There was an official challenge to create a device costing less than $40 that can be an emergency alert while transmitting information to a network of community respondents, all within 90 seconds.

    Dozens of companies invited to make a safety wearable that’s simple and affordable. Five finalists were chosen in April: Artemis, Leaf Wearables, Nimb & SafeTrek, Saffron and Soterra.

    The winner was Leaf, The Women’s Safety XPRIZE just awarded its $1 million prize. it keeps in touch with your smartphone wirelessly and when you press the button twice your emergency contacts are alerted to your location and need for help. It also records audio, possibly providing evidence later or a deterrent to harassers who might fear being identified.

    Objective of this invention was to provide safety device to protect women fundamental rights and very present danger of sexual assault .


    Impressive health benefits of Coffee ability to improve our daily life.

    Due to caffeine in coffee it instantly increases your energy levels. It  stimulates brain functions that helps to increase concentration, sharp mental focus. It helps to reduce risk of dementia and Alzheimer, Coffee is good for weight loss. It keeps heart functioning properly and maintain blood pressure. Nutrients in coffee helps to regulate blood sugar level. 

    It helps to improve liver health, particularly in the prevention of cirrhosis, hepatitis, and fatty liver disease. It reduces the risk of two types of cancer – liver and colorectal cancer. Consumption of coffee lights up the mood and relieves stress, thereby making improving your quality of life. The chlorogenic acid (CLA) in coffee helps prevent retinal damage. Research shows that it to contain more antioxidants than both fruits and vegetables combined.

    Adult can consume upto 400mg caffeine, which means up to 3 cups of the beverage

    Health benifits of Apple cider vinegar and baking soda

    Apple cider vinegar helps us to cleanse and balance our body while Baking soda has plenty of  health benefits. Make sure that apple cider vinegar is a raw, not pasteurized. Mixture of apple cider vinegar and baking soda can balances our body’s pH to fight the acid that prevent us to suffer from chronic and degenerative illnesses. It is helpful to treat mouth conditions like enamel and gums. It eliminates the toxins, balance the upsets in blood levels ,weight-loss, helps our digestion and fight heartburn. it improves respiratory problems.

    Add pour 3 cups of the water into a pot and put over low-heat. Add 6 tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar (90 ml) and 1 teaspoon of baking soda (for consumption) (3 g), mix the ingredients together until the water is warm and the baking soda has dissolved.

    Drink a glass as soon as you get up, on an empty stomach, 

    Nutmeg is one of the best home remedies to get ride of insomnia.

    What is insomnia?
    A sleep disorder having difficulty falling , staying asleep, waking up often during the night and too early in the morning, feeling tired upon waking. It can be caused by psychiatric and medical conditions, unhealthy sleep habits.


    If your are insomnia patient or having sleeplessness . Nutmeg is one of the best home remedies to get ride of this problem. Due to its high content of magnesium, that is an essential mineral , reduces nerve tension, and stimulates the release of serotonin, is changed to melatonin in the brain, which creates a feeling of relaxation and is a sleep inducer, A pinch of nutmeg in warm milk always seems to do the trick, a small amount can help you to induce relaxation and sleep.


    Cumin seeds an excellent source of minerals and vitamins for healthy life.

    Cumin seeds an excellent source of  minerals and  vitamins for healthy life.

    Cumin, stimulate the glands that secrete acids, bile and enzymes are  responsible for the digestion of food in the stomach and intestines. it also helps with digestion by preventing the formation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract. 

    The presence of vitamin C  is beneficial to individuals whose immune system has been weakened due to stress. vitamin C is good for fighting inflammation, lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack.Cumin seeds  aid in the clearance of mucus from the airways, lungs, bronchi and trachea. and is also good for asthma

    In cumin seeds Vitamin E helps to strengthen the capillary walls in the skin,  acting as a natural anti-aging nutrient it  improves moisture and elasticity. Its anti fungal and antibacterial properties also helps to  prevent and treat skin infections.

    Cumin is a good source of  B-complex vitamins, and maintaining good digestion are ways to treat insomnia without drugs. Cumin seeds help to fight viral infections and illnesses, such as helping to prevent the common cold or flu.

    Cumin seeds are able to help prevent diabetes by reducing the chances of hypoglycemia, Cumin seeds help to fight viral infections and illnesses. Due to rich source of Iron cumin prevents  the liver and bone marrow  and memory related problems. Cumin helps in reducing blood to relax sore muscles. Cumin seed components  thymol and phosphorus are good detoxifying agents.

    Because of the presence of vitamins C and A, cumin seeds have anti carcinogenic properties. Another 2007 study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that high intakes of vitamin A and retinal may reduce the risk of gastric cancer.

    White Sands National Monument

    Journey to the Tularosa Basin in southern New Mexico’s Chihuahuan Desert and you’ll find more of this powdery white sand. A lot more. Four and a half billion tons of it makes up the largest gypsum dune field on earth, stretching more than 200 miles. Gypsum dunes are rare, as the mineral is so fine it’s said to dissolve in rain as easily as sugar melts in ice tea. Rain dissolves the gypsum here in the Tularosa Basin, too, but because there’s no natural drainage outlet, once the rain evaporates, the gypsum is left in fine crystals.


    Kristen Stewart's Twilight daughter has grown up to be stunning.

    Entertainment Posts

    Kristen Stewart's Twilight daughter has grown up to be stunning.

    Fans of Stephanie Meyer's Twilight book series knew it was coming — Bella Swan would give birth to Edward Cullen's child, and it would happen in the film adaptations just as it did in the tomes. What fans didn't know, though, was who'd be playing the iconic couple's onscreen daughter. You might say that with that role, a star was born.

    In 2011's The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 1 and 2012's subsequent Part 2, a young actress by the name of Mackenzie Foy proved to be a perfect fit for the part of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson's fictional offspring, Renesmee.

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    Benefits of chia seeds for healthy lifestyle .

    Chia seeds come from one of mint plants species that grow in desert area. Chia seeds are rich in omega-3, protein, carbohydrate, anti-oxidants, potassium, fiber, and etc. These good nutritional contents make chia seeds is good for the body. Here are health benefits of chia seeds for us.

    Due to the rich of alpha-linolenic and fiber in chia seeds can resist the insulin. Chia seeds are very beneficial for better metabolism of the body so that it can prevent body from obesity. some research results showed that there is possibility in chia seeds to help diabetic control blood sugar levels. Chia seeds apparently can help increasing blood sugar control in type 2 diabetes.

    Chia seeds help promoting weight lose because it is high in protein and fiber. Those two substances will help to make you to control hunger so you are feeling full without extra calories intake. The high content of omega 3 and dietary fiber in chia sees is very beneficial for anti-inflammatory.Chia seeds are full with antioxidants that can protect the sensitive fats in the body.

    Chia seeds it can help to reduce the fat. Alinolenic acid (ALA) cannot be produced within the human body and should be gained through diet. Omega 3 can be found chia seeds. Taking chia seeds can prevent premature skin aging due to inflammation and free radical damage. According to the National Institutes of Health, seeds like flax and chia can be a natural blood sugar balancer due to their high fiber content and healthy fats.

    Chia seeds regulate cholesterol and lower blood pressure. Chia also contains boron, which is another essential nutrient for bone .chia seeds can prolong hydration and improve nutrient absorption of electrolytes. Chia seeds are rich in alpha lipoic acid (or ALA), limits the growth of cancer cells in both breast and cervical cancers.

    Chia seeds benefits for pregnancy and why they’re among the best superfoods for a healthy pregnancy. chia is quite high in omega-3 fatty acids that is essential for a baby’s brain development.


    Benefits of cloves for healthy lifestyle.

    A famous spices available all around the world. Cloves are actually flower buds of a cloves tree from family Myrtaceae with has scientific name Syzygium aromaticum. Cloves provide you unique flavor like the combination of spicy and warm feeling mixed together. Cloves have a lot of benefits for human health.

    Cloves are effective to stimulate the secretion of certain digestive enzymes to improve digestion. some antimicrobial properties found in cloves are even effective to kill bacteria of cholera. Due to rich of antioxidants that are great to fight free radicals that could cause the development of cancerous cells.The hepatoprotective properties found in cloves are really great for liver protection. cloves also promote the production of white blood cells and at the same time treat hypersensitivity. Well, cloves could make sure the optimal production of insulin to manage blood sugar level. Well, cloves have solution by preserving your bone quality and keeping them strong in much longer time. Cloves contain anti-mutagenic properties that could prevent it in the first place.

    Cloves are quite safe to consume even during pregnancy and they are great to treat headache. cloves could treat early stage lung cancer in much effective way. cloves also contain pain-killing properties to relieve the pain caused by the inflammation. Cloves tare well to relieve the nausea and prevent the vomiting. Just pour a glass of warm water and then put some cloves to drink, to treats cough naturally. chew some cloves to fight bad breath. To deal with their morning sickness is as easy as consuming warm tea with some cloves every morning. cloves are the best solution available for treatment of cold. Inhale the extract cloves oil as aromatherapy to help you releasing your stress. Just applying cloves oil regularly to help you healing and removing the scars completely.


    10 foods to help a person sleep at night

    Insomnia is, by, far the most common type of sleep disorder.
    According to studies, one in every three adults suffers from sleeplessness and one in every 10 of them have it chronically. Rising stress is one of the many factors which contribute to this sort of insomnia and it can be fixed by many natural methods.

    One of the best ways to get better sleep is by simply changing a person’s diet. A good healthy meal, actually does help a person get better sleep say studies. While it certainly does not mean that a person will simply gorge on whatever they can lay there hands on, here are the foods, which when had in proper measure, help sleep.
    Following are the top 10 food items which help sleep:
    Poultry: Chicken or Turkey has tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid that one can only get from what one eats or drinks. It helps the body make serotonin (which helps relax) and facilitates the production of melatonin which controls sleep cycles.
    Fish: Vitamin B6 is abundant in fish, with salmon, tuna, and halibut having the most. B6 is what makes melatonin.
    Yogurt: Calcium processes hormones that help sleep which are tryptophan and melatonin. Calcium, of course, can be found in anything dairy related.
    Kale: The leafy green is also rich in calcium which again is important in making those sleep hormones go to work.
    Bananas: Bananas are high in potassium which helps a person to stay asleep. It also has tryptophan and magnesium which are natural sedatives.
    Whole Grains: Encourages insulin production that results in tryptophan activity in the brain. It also has magnesium which is said to help one stay asleep. When magnesium levels are too low one is more likely to wake up during the night.
    Honey: Glucose in honey lowers levels of orexin, orexin is a neurotransmitter in the brain that makes one more alert. Honey reverses the effects of orexin.
    Nuts: Walnuts, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds. These all boost serotonin levels by having magnesium and tryptophan.
    Eggs: Eggs are popular in the morning, but they also can make you sleepy due to having tryptophan.
    White Rice: White rice has a high glycemic index. This simply means that they will give you a natural increase in blood sugar and insulin levels, which in turn, helps tryptophan go to work in brain faster.

    Top 5 benefits of water therapy.

    Be it Ayurveda or Japanese rituals, all ancient cultures propagate the importance of water consumption to cure various ailments as well as shed some kilos.
    So how does water therapy really work?
    It's meant to be implemented first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. As soon as you wake up, try and drink at least a litre of filtered water. If you can have it lukewarm, it will help tremendously in detoxifying your whole body as well as breaking down and eliminating all the fat deposits.
    You can actually make it more effective by adding juice of one lime or lemon to the lukewarm water. Alternatively, you could leave a slice of lime or lemon overnight in a litre of water. This will help all the essential flavours and nutrients to eventually seep into the water. 
    It is also recommended that when you start the water therapy, you should, ideally, avoid eating anything for at least an hour or two. If you want to intensify the effects of this therapy, aim to eat only fruits and vegetables as the first meal.
    Metabolism booster
    Water therapy can boost your metabolism by up to 25 per cent, which, in turn, will help you shed excess fat. Everything you eat will be burned faster, so you may feel hungrier. However, that's fine because it means your metabolism is no longer sluggish. Of course, if you exercise, then your metabolism will boost to another level altogether.
    Skin cleanser
    As the toxins are eliminated from your body, you will find that your skin and hair will acquire a glow that you would never have seen before. The lemon will add to the detoxification and the alkalising effect will clear out your skin issues. For chronic skin problems, it is best to see a specialist.
    When you drink clean, clear alkalising water first thing in the morning, your system starts to respond in so many different ways. Studies show that water therapy can help prevent and eliminate rheumatoid arthritis and other issues like migraine, headaches and constipation.
    Purifies colon
    Since you consume water first thing in the morning and then wait for an hour to actually eat anything, the colon gets a chance to eliminate a lot of toxins as well. When we are flushing the system with warm alkalising water, the colon benefits by eliminating what's in the system.
    Balances lymph system
    Most of our body's water comprises of lymphatic fluid. It flows much slowly because the heart does not pump the lymphatic fluid. With water therapy, the lymphatic system is instantly activated; it also eliminates toxins out of the body. This enables better absorption of nutrients in the cells and hence better nourishment and repair of cells.
    Verdict: The Japanese Medical Society has found water therapy to be an important cure for various ailments, ranging from arthritis to epilepsy to throat diseases. All you need to do is to make sure you follow the steps outlined above to maximise the benefits of water consumption. And, of course, make it a lifestyle change rather than a one-week fad!

    6 Early Signs Your Liver Is Damaged ,

    When a liver is working well, it cleans the blood, helps 
    digest food and fights infection. It is also a bit of a bodily superhero — much like Wolverine and Deadpool, it has the power to regenerate when it has been damaged, replacing old tissue with new cells.

    “Anything that keeps your liver from doing its job — or from growing back after injury — may put your life in danger,” the American Liver Foundation warns. That can be inflammation, scarring, cancer or even using too much Tylenol. Although the liver lies on the inside of the body, the body shows outward signs when something is wrong.

    Turning yellow

    Your skin and the whites of your eyes could turn yellow when the liver isn’t working properly, due to a buildup in the blood of a yellowish substance called bilirubin, according to the US National Library of Medicine. The UK’s National Health Service adds that the yellowing symptom, called jaundice, can occur when the liver’s damage prevents it from processing that bilirubin. Common causes of that kind of liver damage are hepatitis, cancer, drinking too much alcohol, abusing ecstasy, exposure to toxic substances and various infections.

    Your bodily waste

    Jaundice also changes the colour of urine and stool, making the urine dark and the stool pale, the National Health Service explains.

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    The Mayo Clinic lists liver disease as an underlying cause of itchy skin, as well as kidney failure, thyroid problems and cancer. “The itching usually affects the whole body. The skin may look otherwise normal except for the repeatedly scratched areas.”


    People with liver damage will bruise or bleed more easily because their liver has slowed or stopped production of proteins that are necessary for blood clotting, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases says. The liver actually produces several clotting factors, all of which begin to disappear in people with damage to that organ.


    When the liver isn’t able to do its job, people may start to retain water in their abdomens and legs, causing swelling, according to the Mayo Clinic.

    In some cases, there just isn’t any indication that something is going wrong. The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics warns that up to half of those with liver disease show no signs. And in the cases that mild symptoms present themselves, the most common ones “are very nonspecific and they include fatigue or excessive tiredness, lack of drive, occasionally itching.”

    Once a person progresses beyond those early symptoms, the damage to the liver and the side effects become more serious. The American Liver Foundation explains people may have the blood vessels leading to their livers burst, toxins could build up in their brains and interfere with mental function, and they could experience nausea and diarrhea. “As liver failure progresses, the symptoms become more serious,” the foundation says. “The patient may become confused and disoriented, and extremely sleepy. There is a risk of coma and death.” At that point, a liver transplant may be the only option, so it’s important to try to identify the signs of liver damage early.


    A drink of hot water stimulating the sweating process, which helps to eliminates toxins. its consumption on regular basis with lemon helps o balance all the acidic foods. Drinking warm water increases blood flow to the tissues, allowing muscles to relax. Hot water activates the nerves at the roots of your hair, making it soft and glowing. Warm water keeps your scalp hydrated preventing the formation of dandruff, which are small pieces of dead skin, in the hair.A drink of hot water

    stimulating the sweating process, which helps to eliminates toxins. its consumption on regular basis with lemon helps o balance all the acidic foods. Drinking warm water increases blood flow to the tissues, allowing muscles to relax. Hot water activates the nerves at the roots of your hair, making it soft and glowing. Warm water keeps your scalp hy

    A drink of hot water stimulating the sweating process, which helps to eliminates toxins. its consumption on regular basis with lemon helps o balance all the acidic foods. Drinking warm water increases blood flow to the tissues, allowing muscles to relax. Hot water activates the nerves at the roots of your hair, making it soft and glowing. Warm water keeps your scalp hydrated preventing the formation of dandruff, which are small pieces of dead skin, in the hair.A drink of hot water

    stimulating the sweating process, which helps to eliminates toxins. its consumption on regular basis with lemon helps o balance all the acidic foods. Drinking warm water increases blood flow to the tissues, allowing muscles to relax. Hot water activates the nerves at the roots of your hair, making it soft and glowing. Warm water keeps your scalp hy

    A drink of hot water stimulating the sweating process, which helps to eliminates toxins. its consumption on regular basis with lemon helps o balance all the acidic foods. Drinking warm water increases blood flow to the tissues, allowing muscles to relax. Hot water activates the nerves at the roots of your hair, making it soft and glowing. Warm water keeps your scalp hydrated preventing the formation of dandruff, which are small pieces of dead skin, in the hair.A drink of hot water stimulating the sweating process, which helps to eliminates toxins. its consumption on regular basis with lemon helps o balance all the acidic foods. Drinking warm water increases blood flow to the tissues, allowing muscles to relax. Hot water activates the nerves at the roots of your hair, making it soft and glowing. Warm water keeps your scalp hydrated preventing the formation of dandruff, which are small pieces of dead skin, in the hair.

    warm water increases blood flow to the tissues, allowing muscles to relax. Hot water activates the nerves at the roots of your hair, making it soft and glowing. Warm water keeps your scalp hydrated preventing the formation of dandruff, which are small pieces of dead skin, in the hair.A drink of hot
    starting each day before eating with a drink of warm water stimulates the intestinal peristalsis and helps with sluggish bowel movements . Due to vasodilator effect, it widens the blood vessels and stimulates the blood flow to rush toward the intestine, aiding the digestive process. warm water is better for the teeth and restorations, make sure your water isn't too hot. try to drink your water at room temperature
    starting each day before eating with a drink of warm water stimulates the intestinal peristalsis and helps with sluggish bowel movements . Due to vasodilator effect, it widens the blood vessels and stimulates the blood flow to rush toward the intestine, aiding the digestive process. warm water is better for the teeth and restorations, make sure your water isn't too hot. try to drink your water at room temperature ..
    A drink of hot water stimulating the sweating process, which helps to eliminates toxins. its consumption on regular basis with lemon helps o balance all the acidic foods.  Drinking warm water increases blood flow to the tissues, allowing muscles to relax. Hot water activates the nerves at the roots of your hair, making it soft and glowing. Warm water keeps your scalp hydrated preventing the formation of dandruff, which are small pieces of dead skin, in the hair.
    A drink of hot water stimulating the sweating process, which helps to eliminates toxins. its consumption on regular basis with lemon helps o balance all the acidic foods.  Drinking warm water increases blood flow to the tissues, allowing muscles to relax. Hot water activates the nerves at the roots of your hair, making it soft and glowing. Warm water keeps your scalp hydrated preventing the formation of dandruff, which are small pieces of dead skin, in the hair.

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