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  • Women’s Safety XPRIZE $1M winner is a smart, simple panic button.

     Women’s Safety XPRIZE $1M winner is a smart, simple panic button.


    There was an official challenge to create a device costing less than $40 that can be an emergency alert while transmitting information to a network of community respondents, all within 90 seconds.

    Dozens of companies invited to make a safety wearable that’s simple and affordable. Five finalists were chosen in April: Artemis, Leaf Wearables, Nimb & SafeTrek, Saffron and Soterra.

    The winner was Leaf, The Women’s Safety XPRIZE just awarded its $1 million prize. it keeps in touch with your smartphone wirelessly and when you press the button twice your emergency contacts are alerted to your location and need for help. It also records audio, possibly providing evidence later or a deterrent to harassers who might fear being identified.

    Objective of this invention was to provide safety device to protect women fundamental rights and very present danger of sexual assault .

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