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  • Top Health Benefits of Drinking Hot Water

    starting each day before eating with a drink of warm water stimulates the intestinal peristalsis and helps with sluggish bowel movements . Due to vasodilator effect, it widens the blood vessels and stimulates the blood flow to rush toward the intestine, aiding the digestive process. warm water is better for the teeth and restorations, make sure your water isn't too hot. try to drink your water at room temperature .

    A drink of hot water stimulating the sweating process, which helps to eliminates toxins. its consumption on regular basis with lemon helps o balance all the acidic foods.  Drinking warm water increases blood flow to the tissues, allowing muscles to relax. Hot water activates the nerves at the roots of your hair, making it soft and glowing. Warm water keeps your scalp hydrated preventing the formation of dandruff, which are small pieces of dead skin, in the hair.

    Warm water, which increases your body temperature, resulting in a faster metabolism. Hot water dissolves the thick viscous substance secreted by the mucous membranes and helps to remove it from the respiratory tract significantly .  It reduces the risk of wrinkles. Hot water also helps against acne by unclogging the pores. increases your metabolic rate, which means you are burning more calories at rest.

    The hot water relaxes the muscles and relieves the pain. Hot water also helps with headaches and other body aches. Drinking warm or hot water flushes the toxins, including fat deposits, circulating in your body, which improves blood circulation. Muscles relax as well, also aiding in better blood flow.

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