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  • Benefits of chia seeds for healthy lifestyle .

    Chia seeds come from one of mint plants species that grow in desert area. Chia seeds are rich in omega-3, protein, carbohydrate, anti-oxidants, potassium, fiber, and etc. These good nutritional contents make chia seeds is good for the body. Here are health benefits of chia seeds for us.

    Due to the rich of alpha-linolenic and fiber in chia seeds can resist the insulin. Chia seeds are very beneficial for better metabolism of the body so that it can prevent body from obesity. some research results showed that there is possibility in chia seeds to help diabetic control blood sugar levels. Chia seeds apparently can help increasing blood sugar control in type 2 diabetes.

    Chia seeds help promoting weight lose because it is high in protein and fiber. Those two substances will help to make you to control hunger so you are feeling full without extra calories intake. The high content of omega 3 and dietary fiber in chia sees is very beneficial for anti-inflammatory.Chia seeds are full with antioxidants that can protect the sensitive fats in the body.

    Chia seeds it can help to reduce the fat. Alinolenic acid (ALA) cannot be produced within the human body and should be gained through diet. Omega 3 can be found chia seeds. Taking chia seeds can prevent premature skin aging due to inflammation and free radical damage. According to the National Institutes of Health, seeds like flax and chia can be a natural blood sugar balancer due to their high fiber content and healthy fats.

    Chia seeds regulate cholesterol and lower blood pressure. Chia also contains boron, which is another essential nutrient for bone .chia seeds can prolong hydration and improve nutrient absorption of electrolytes. Chia seeds are rich in alpha lipoic acid (or ALA), limits the growth of cancer cells in both breast and cervical cancers.

    Chia seeds benefits for pregnancy and why they’re among the best superfoods for a healthy pregnancy. chia is quite high in omega-3 fatty acids that is essential for a baby’s brain development.

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