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  • The Different Types Of Tea, The Tea Lovers Should Know

    Over the years the beverage which is being served and drunk as a part of the daily routine is tea. Yes, tea is the most refreshing and easily available beverage across the planet. While all tea comes from the same basic plant, Camellia Sinensis, there are still 3000 varieties of tea that exist all over the world. How do these teas differ from each other? Well, the difference in them arises due to processing, geography, and growing condition. Let’s see the most popular types of tea.

    Green tea: Green tea is originated from China and now famous all over especially amongst the health conscious people. It is produced from Camellia Sinensis leaves where it is plucked, withered and rolled. But to prevent oxidisation and maintain its vital colour, these leaves are lightly heated while rolling. Owing to the lower caffeine content in it, it is much healthier than other kinds of tea and beverages. It contains the natural antioxidant called Polyphenols which helps you maintain healthy skin, hair and body health. 

    Black tea: Black tea or known as red tea in China is cultivated and processed all over the world in different geographies and climates. The largest producers of tea on a worldwide level are Africa, India and Sri Lanka while in the Indian boundaries are the regions of Assam, Darjeeling, and Nilgiri. The black tea leaves are oxidised fully before they are heat processed or dried. Oxidation alters the flavour of black tea, making it malty in taste. The tea has high caffeine level and mainly consumed to stimulate the brain without over stimulating the heart. It helps in lowering the risk of diabetes and relieving stress.

    Oolong tea: With its own aroma and taste, the oolong tea is definitely very different from black and green tea varieties. The tea is being recognised as traditional Chinese tea and the best variety of it comes from providing of China. It is slightly fermented and semi oxidised after being processed from the buds, stems and leaves of Camellia Sinensis plant. Depending upon the level of oxidisation, the flavour of it varies. Oolong tea comes in a wide spectrum of flavours like fruity, floral, nutty, creamier and etc. The tea aids digestion boosts metabolism, lowers cholesterol and increase mental alertness. 

    White tea: White tea is known to be one of the most delicate varieties of tea. It is harvested at a very initial stage. The buds are handpicked and dried in order to avoid higher oxidation. Due to less processing oxidisation, the tea maintains its aroma and freshness. It contains the same antioxidants as green tea but in greater quantity and is beneficial in reducing weight, lowering risk of cancer and high cholesterol levels. 

    Herbal tea: Unlike its other counterparts, the herbal tea doesn't come from tea leaves. It is made out from dried fruits, herbs and flowers and therefore has a wide range of flavours to it. These teas are caffeine free and best for best for people who like to stay pure and natural as much as possible. The common herbal infusions to this tea include ginger, lemongrass, peppermint, hibiscus, rosehips, chamomile and etc. Thus, enjoy your tea and drink the now which is best for you. 

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