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  • How to Gain Confidence For Public Speaking Presentation As a Professional Speaker

    The fear of speaking public is one of the greatest fears people have. Statistics show that more than 41% of people have a degree of fear or fear of public speaking. This fear often manifests itself as excessive sweating, moist hands, increased heart rate, the elimination of memory loss (memory loss), nausea, and sometimes difficulty breathing. There are many players who have been in front of the public for years and still struggle with the fear to some degree. Because this fear often have no effect when you make a presentation or not, you need to find ways to overcome their anxiety. 

    The first step is to know that you are not alone and that can be prepared in advance so that the level of anxiety that is significantly reduced. Here are some more interesting statistics. - Presentation of your message and the test can reduce your anxiety by 75%. - The use of breathing techniques can reduce anxiety 15% more. - Prepare your mental state to reduce their fear of the remaining 10%. With these statistics in mind, here are some tips to help you relax and prepare your feelings before going ahead of your audience. 

    1. The knowledge of the environment in which he speaks. Get involved with the surrounding area too early to arrive and walk. How much space you have and the spatial distance between you and your audience. In terms of their stage acclimatizing, you will feel more comfortable.

     2. Know your audience. Know who your audience understands and research their likes and dislikes. When you enter the room, welcome and take the time to get to know some faces. 

    3. Know your presentation inside and out. If you do not know what to present, how can you expect to feel any anxiety? 

    4. Implement breathing techniques for relaxation. Breathing techniques have been scientifically proven to strengthen the body and help you get rid of nervousness. 

    5. Look at the scene before you get there yourself. Repeat pictures of their successful presentation in your head. If you have visual success, you will find it. 

    6. Know your audience you want to be successful. Their success means that they get what they want and need. If you paid money to visit his presentation, they have a personal interest in his success. If you have the training, they have a personal interest in his success. If you give a speech at a local college, graduation has a personal interest. The idea? Your audience wants you to be successful. 

    7. Do not pay attention to being nervous. Many people do not even know they are nervous. Most of the time you will notice that if you have the attention of your audience, you are really thinking about yourself. They absorb what you say and transform in the way that affect them. 8. Know that there is a purpose for your message. You have to send a message. Sometimes there is one thing that interests you. Other times they can be the training that your business needs to you. Preparation is the key to your success! With the preparation you can overcome the most, if not all feelings of anxiety can prepare you, prepare, prepare! Rate this article: Adeline Yeo is a freelance writer and instructor from Singapore. She is passionate of article writing and contribute her skills and knowledge her skills and knowledge to her learners. 

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